
The Banyamulenge are people located in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Before colonization, the Banyamulenge migrated from East Africa to the area now known as the Congo. Ongoing wars since post-colonization have forced the Banyamulenge, and others, to flee the country, relocating to various refugee camps in Central and East Africa. Being refugees, most of them had challenging lives with little hope for the future. They could not return to their country because of ongoing war and turmoil. After many years of protracted displacement in the refugee camps, some families were selected by the United States Office of Refugee resettlement to be resettled. 

10 years ago, the first family of the Banyamulenge community and other refugee communities resettled in the western Michigan area. It was like a door opening to other refugee families as the years went by and the population of refugees, mostly from Africa, continued to grow all around Michigan, and the USA. Due to barriers such as language, lack of education, trauma, and integration, resettlement requires ongoing support for members of the Banyamulenge and other refugee communities. 

From their own experience, Alliance’s leadership recognizes that to ensure refugees can thrive long term, more support and guidance is required in addition to the services local resettlement agencies are capable of providing. After collaborating with the University of Michigan’s Just Future’s Migrant Models of Care research team in the summer of 2019, Bienfait Irakoze, Angie Nyiranduhura, Espoir Ndizeye began to work together to officially form Alliance: A Center for Refugee and Immigrant Integration. Starting this organization aims to fill in the gaps in services and advocacy that refugees do not currently receive from mainstream non-profit organizations. 

Alliance’s Mission:

We empower all immigrants and refugees to adapt to their new life in the USA, by providing direction and orientation in their daily life.